A homemaker is a person whose prime occupation is to care for their family and home. The term homemaker is used in preference to either housewife or househusband because it is inclusive, defines the role in terms of activities, rather than relation to another, and is independent of marital status. The terms (informal) stay-at-home mom and stay-at-home dad are also used, particularly if the person views their central role as caring for children.
Being a stay-at-home mom/dad should not come as a forced option for any woman/man. It must be chosen after deliberate consideration of each individual's unique circumstances.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Children Learn What They Live

If a child lives with criticism He learns to condemn,

If a child lives with hostility He learns to fight,

If a child leaves with ridicule He learns to be shy,

If a child lives with shame He learns to feel guilty,

If a child lives with tolerance He learns to be patient,

If a child lives with encouragement He learns confidence,

If a child lives with praise He learns to appreciate,

If a child lives with fairness He learns justice,

If a child lives with security He learns to have faith,

If a child lives with approval He learns to like himself,

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship He learns to find love in the world,


Nikhil said...
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Nikhil said...

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